Where it all began…
Pete and Tony met a few years ago through their Wives and children and their love of music. They are writers, recording artists and fans.
“The best songwriters know they can only do what they do because of who has written before them” says Pete. “Inspiration is everything in music.” Added Tony. They both agree that writing together is one of their greatest enjoyments in life.
When they met, Tony was already writing countless poems whilst in his London black taxi and Pete helped to turn these to music. After a year or so of writing they began to feel like their songwriting skills fitted together like a very satisfying jigsaw puzzle.
They started to share their songs on local radio, internet radio all around the world and on social media. They were blown away by the response and began to take their songwriting more seriously.
Their songs are heartfelt, honest and show all sides of life. Pete has many years experience on guitar, piano and drums, following in his late father’s footsteps and with the duo’s influences of Soul, blues and classic rock, they can turn their hand to many genres, whilst still keeping The Condriacs sound.
They currently have 6 released collections of music excluding the exclusive songs that are written and recorded every month for their loyal patrons.