Get yourself into The Patrons Club Group now, just in case...
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A few times each month, we broadcast live from our Private Patrons Club on Facebook and play all your favourite Condriacs songs live. We also chat with everyone who is watching. The Countdown Timer tells you when the next starts.
So, if you fancy some live entertainment from The Condriacs every month from the comfort of your own armchair AND know that you’re supporting us and the music we create for everyone to enjoy, then start your membership now by clicking the button below.
You will have access to the Private Patrons Club for the duration of your membership (you can cancel at anytime) and within that group, you can watch all our full music and Lyric Videos, every Live Patrons Show we’ve ever broadcast (right back to the very first show we did from the back of Tony’s London Taxi), PLUS, of course, all the future shows.
Once you’ve started your membership, we will send you an email to welcome you, which includes a link to join our private Patrons Facebook Group where the show will be broadcast from.