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Thank you so much for picking up your copy of ‘Out Of The Blue’ with the free copy of ‘This Game’. We worked hard to create those albums and poured our heart and soul into them and the fact that we get to share the results with people like you means the world to us.

As our way of saying THANK YOU for your support, we wanted to give you a chance to get a special “FAN ONLY”  Box Set that we’ve put together, which includes a collection of special unreleased tracks, Bonus tracks and Old School Demos, along with ALL of our other albums.

While normally this collection would sell for more than $80 for the Autographed CD Collection, you can get access to EVERYTHING from just $19.97.

That’s 37 tracks of ours (several unreleased) at a massive discount. It’s really the least we can do to say THANK YOU for ordering our Out Of The Blue EP.

HOWEVER, do keep in mind that this special Box Set is not available anywhere else at this price.


  • Can’t You See (5 songs) EP
  • Spit It Out Acoustic (11 songs) LP
  • The Condriacs Album incl. bonus track (12 songs) LP
  • Ghost (3 songs) EP
  • Bonus tracks & Home Demos (6 Songs) EP – Unreleased

To order, simply choose whether you would like the DOWNLOADS ($19.97) or the CDs PLUS downloads ($39.97). Click the order button of your choice that you’ll see below, and the digital download links to all of the material will be sent to your inbox in just a few moments. If you choose to also have the physical CDs, these will be personally autographed by us both and shipped within two business days.

If you’d rather skip this special 50% Discount on our FAN ONLY Box Set, then just click the “no thanks” link that you’ll find a little further down on this page.


ALL The Digital Downloads $19.97


Signed CD’s + Downloads $39.97



No thanks, I’d like to pass on this special “fan only” discount and proceed with getting my download links.